建議售價121.8萬元,Mazda追加CX-5 Skyactiv-D 2WD柴油前 ... 2014年10月8日 - 為提供消費者更多元的選擇,Mazda Motor Taiwan近日追加了CX-5 Sky-D ... 建議售價121.8萬元,Mazda追加CX-5 Skyactiv-D 2WD柴油前驅車型 ... 超低的14:1 (一般柴油車為17~19:1),能夠讓引擎內部的溫度與壓力降低,並讓油氣 ...
SKYACTIV柴油車款新成員報到CX-5柴油2WD 更輕快、更省油的新選擇 2014年10月6日 ... 2013年推出的Mazda都會休旅車款CX-5柴油4WD,搭載Mazda新世代SKYACTIV- D柴油引擎,提供超過許多高性能車款的42.8kgm最大扭力輸出, ...
Mazda CX-5 Mileage | Fuelly - Fuelly - Track and Compare your MPG A simple & effecive way to track fuel consumption Easy to understand the real cost of your vehicle Benefits It's free of course! Get an accurate view of your vehicles fuel economy Compare your vehicle to others with the same vehicle
Mazda CX-5 Gas Mileage (MPG) - TrueDelta -- Real Car Owners Driving Real Car Information Drivers share their Mazda CX-5 gas mileage--along with their driving habits and road conditions--so you can learn what MPG or L/KM to actually expect. ... Year Body/Powertrain flat, hilly, or mountainous Land driving style: very light to "lead foot" Foot
2014 Mazda CX-5 Gas Mileage - The Car Connection 2014 Mazda CX-5 Fuel Economy: adequate acceleration with exemplary gas mileage ... The TCC Rating is a clear numeric rating value based on a 10-point scale that reflects the overall opinion of our automotive experts on any vehicle and rolls up ratings we
Mazda/馬自達CX-5油耗-8891新車 車型名稱, 變速系統, 排量, 空調狀況, 路況, 油耗(km/ltr), 網友匿稱. 2014款柴油2.2 AWD停產, 手自排, 2.2L, 開, 市區, 11.10, 台灣網友. 2014款柴油2.2 AWD停產, 手自 ...
【車市新聞】Mazda CX-5油耗達15.2km/L!水準直逼小型車表現 2013年9月13日 - 根據測試,Mazda CX-5 SKYACTIV-D平均油耗表現可達15.2km/L(歐規數據,換算美規約17.5km/L),領先市面汽油SUV車款,更以10~18%差距 ...
MAZDA SKYACTIV 顛覆你的認知!【油耗篇】 - YouTube